Contribution form

The contribution form is the form authors use to submit their contributions.
As an organiser, you can completely customize the contribution form.

Go to dashboard > abstract handling > contribution form. If you click 'preview form', you can see how this page looks for users.

The contribution form is the form that the authors have to fill in order to hand in their contribution. The contribution is handed in after the authors have uploaded their form and documents. The organiser can customise the contribution form however they see fit. The form does provide a couple of standard questions. We will now list a some features that are important further on in the process:

With this question you can determine which type of contributions you want to receive from the authors. It may happen that you need different information from the authors for the oral than for the poster. In this case you can set dependencies for each question. You can do this by clicking the 'cogwheel'. You will then see 'show question'.

The pre-set questions that are already in the form have specific functions later on in the process. It is therefore important that you do NOT delete these questions. If you think the questions are not important for your process, please contact us.

The authors will be shown in the feedback towards the reviewers, but it is also important for you as an organiser to know who the author of a contribution is. The person who creates the author account will be treated as the 'corresponding author'.

The contribution will be handed in by one author, who is the head-author. In case there are multiple authors, the rest of the authors can be entered as co-authors by adding their e-mail addresses. This means that every time the head-author receives an email, we will send a copy of this email to the co-authors as a BCC. These emails will contain 'read-only' links to the submitted contributions.

Asking for a title seems obvious, but it is important that authors give their contribution a title. The organiser and reviewers get feedback about the title of the contribution in different places. It is possible to search for titles in other screens (will be further explained in this manual under 'Meaning of questions and replacement words').

The content of the abstract will be shown to reviewers before they proceed to the whole contribution form (when they are reviewing).

This question about keywords is used to add certain keywords. It acts as an extension of the question about topics (see below). Removing the question about keywords will not affect the process.

The question about topics is very important! When you (the organiser) are assigning reviewers to contributions later on in the process, you probably want to base your choice on the topics (subject areas). Make sure that you do not forget this question!

This question allows the author to send a message to the organiser (program committee). The reviewer will not see this comment.

The 'text question' enables you to share information, messages or instructions yourself. In the example we used the word template and added an example file to it. A template is useful if you want that every upload follows the same format.

This is the question/place where authors submit their contribution (following the right format).


You can look at every document individually if you click on 'list with contributions' under the button 'export data'. It is also possible to download all the uploads all at once. This can also be done under the 'export data' button by clicking on:

Extra questions and the gear-button

Beside these pre-set questions, it is possible to add as many extra questions as you wish. 

Confirmation Message (Contribution form)

The organiser can adjust the confirmation message at the bottom of the contribution form. This is the message authors receive after submitting their contribution. In the confirmation message you will see a couple of 'replacement words'. These replacement words are used to automatically fill in information about the submission/ contribution in order to create a personalised confirmation message for the author. More information about replacement words can be found later on in this manual.

You can change the banner that will be used in the confirmation message. You can do this under the email settings of the event: go to Dashboard, choose email settings, scroll down to email banner and upload your banner.


Click on preview website after making adjustments in the form. This can be found on the top right in the pink bar and will allow you to see your website/changes through the eyes of an author. (Note, maximum upload size for participants is 25MB).