Here you can enter the name of the contribution(s), e.g. 'abstracts' or 'papers'. This name will also be visible in the communication with other parties. It will mainly be used for automated messages from Aanmelder. For example: 'Your abstract' has been changed.
Review deadlines
After that, you can set a date/ deadline for the authors to enter their contributions. You can also set this date/deadline for reviewers. Beneath that you can determine whether the authors are allowed to change their contributions if the deadline has not expired yet. The options are: 'always', 'never' or 'until a set amount of days after submitting the contribution'.
Please note:
It is possible for authors to change their contribution (if you allowed them to) UNTIL the deadline. After the deadline, it is no longer possible to change the contribution.
In the next part you can make a list of all the different topics. You declare how many topics the reviewers can choose, e.g. 1 topic or multiple topics. Beneath that you declare how many topics the authors can choose.
The purpose of these topics is to later separate the submitted contributions into different subjects. It is also possible to divide the reviewers into different subjects. Both will give a better oversight and make it easier to connect contributions and reviewers to each other.
Under the topics you can find a blue link: 'Set the topics of reviewers as organizer'. Via this link you will enter a page where you can adjust which reviewer has access to which topic. Earlier, the reviewers already chose a preferred topic. This will make it easier for you to assign reviewers to topics, because you can base your choice on the preferred topic of the reviewer.
This page looks like this:
In the list of topics after clicking on the blue link, you are only able to see a couple of characters of each topic. We therefore recommend putting a number in front of each topic. This will make it easier to recognise and distinguish the topics from each other.
Under the configuration, it is possible to allow the reviewers themselves to set a maximum on the amount of contributions they receive. However, as an organiser, you can choose what the limits are of this amount.
Here you can also choose the 'direction' of the assigning process. You can either assign the reviewers to the contributions or you can, vice versa, assign the contributions to the reviewers.
Blind review
With the option Blind review you have the possibility to make the contributions anonymous. This option is recommended when you do not want the reviewers to be influenced by the identity of the author.
You have the possibility to show the reviews as feedback to the authors in their account. Organisers often do not make use of this option in the beginning of the reviewing process. They mostly start using this option after the mail with the decision/ assessment has been sent to the authors.