Embedding and domain information

Do you want to give your website a custom web address? Then you can purchase a domain name. If you already have a domain name you can use it for your aanmelder.nl website.  

New domain name 

You can purchase a domain name on aanmelder.nl

1. Click on domain information in the website settings of your event.

2. Check if the domain name is still available.


3. Buy the domain name.

If the domain name is still available you can buy it for €61 per year. This includes an SSL certificate. This ensures that your website is offered in a secure environment. You will receive an e-mail from aanmelder.nl for verification, after which the domain name will be activated. 

If you already have your own domain name and this website is still empty, you can also use this registered (sub)domain for your aanmelder.nl events. Send an e-mail to info@aanmelder.nl and indicate which domain you want to link to your aanmelder.nl event. 

Own domain name

You can also use your own domain name for your event in aanmelder.nl.

We charge a one-off fee of €61 (ex VAT) for this. After a year you have the choice to extend this connection or cancel the connection. We charge €31 (ex VAT) maintenance costs for the extension of the link to your own domain name. This is for the renewal of the SSL certificate, which makes sure that that your website is safe for your visitors.
Send us an email at info@aanmelder.nl and tell us which domain you want to link to your aanmelder.nl event, and we will send you the correct DNS information.

Embedding information

You can also easily add the registration form to your own website. In the website settings of your event there is a small html code with which you can embed the form on your website. In addition to the registration form, you can also add other pages of your event to your website. 

You can do this by clicking on "embedding information". 

The secure html code will prevent that the form can be placed on other websites without your permission. First enter the website name. Then click on the button "generate" to get your html code.

You can find an overview of your domain names under personal details and then my domain names. You can change the settings of your domain name in your domain name overview. 

A domain name starts directly with the name of a domain, so without www.