Statistics per question

To get a quick overview of the data collected by the registration form, go to Statistics per question from the Dashboard. This page will show the statistics for the all questions from your registration form.

It is possible to check the data in this overview, but you can also download all the data. To do so, click on the button Download statistics

You will receive an Excel file that you can use to evaluate the event, for example. 


You can also easily share these statistics with your colleague or customer. Click here to see how to do this.


Want to see the answers to the open questions of participants? Go to Dashboard > Manage Registrations > Registrations > Overview, on the bottom right you can click on 'list of registered participants', this will give you the option to download the list of registered participants. When you click this, a window pops up where you can set your preferences of the download. Make sure you have 'export custom question data' enabled under questions.